July 2022
Many Maine employers are using payroll cards instead of paper checks or direct deposit to pay wages. This is a growing trend around the country.
July 2022
Sometimes a creditor who successfully sues you on a debt will place a lien on your vehicle to "secure the judgment." They do this by filing a document with the Maine Secreta
July 2022
If you have a disability, and you have an animal that helps you with that disability, you may have the right to bring that animal into places where you wouldn’t be allowed to
July 2022
Notice: The Maine HAF Program is winding down. Complete applications received after January 10, 5 PM will be put on a waitlist.
April 2022
Información sobre cambios a los contratos para trabajadores H-2A.
April 2022
Information about H-2A Contracts from the 2016 edition of H-2A Contract News.
April 2022
Maine has old homes and old homes need repairs. In fact, all homes will need repairs at some point! Home repairs can be expensive and can affect your life in many ways.
December 2021
Some workers have to pay back unemployment benefits. If you are paid benefits, but then lose benefits when your employer appeals, you can be asked to repay the benefits you got earlier. Also, if you…
November 2021
What happens if I am sued for a debt in district court?
If you are sued for a debt in district court, the creditor is the Plaintiff and you are the Defendant.
October 2021
Can my landlord come into my house or apartment at any time? No. If your landlord wants to come into your home to make non-emergency repairs, or inspect the apartment, they must give you "reasonable…
October 2021
Each county in Maine has its own Probate Court. Probate Courts handle legal cases concerning wills and estates, guardianships, nam
September 2021
en español
September 2021
Is There Any Way I Can Get Back My Personal Property If It Is Being Held By My Landlord Or Someone Else?
July 2021
How do I know if I can get a tax refund?
In Maine, when you stay in some kinds of short term rentals, like a hotel or motel room, you pay a state sales tax
July 2021
This information is to help you if you need to change a Department of Health Human Services (DHHS) Child Support Order.
May 2021
Safety first. If you are in danger, call 911 for the Police. Physical abuse by your spouse or partner is illegal. Your safety is most important.
May 2021
¿Está usted o conoce a alguien que está atrapado o no puede salir de una situación laboral? ten leyes para proteger a los trabajadores en esas situaciones. ¡Conozca las señales, conozca sus derechos…
November 2020
How do I know if my legal issue is "criminal?"
In Maine there are three basic kinds of “charges” for “offenses against the state.”
November 2020
Are you a farmworker in Maine in need of medical care or a medical consultation? Maine Mobile Health can deliver care for regular medical issues, as well as advise you on COVID-19-related illness.
November 2020
Whenever you get TANF, you give the State of Maine a temporary claim to your child support. The State keeps some of the child support it collects, and sends some of it to you. This worksheet will…
August 2020
What is the minimum wage for farmworkers?
The federal minimum wage is $7.25 per hour. You must be paid at least $7.25 per hour.
June 2020
Educate yourself. Many, many people are in fear of losing their homes. Maine provides some free help resources, but not everyone will be able to get a free lawyer. Here, we want to help you get…
April 2020
Liste des crédits d’impôts et de prestations du Maine.
April 2020
Lista de Créditos y Beneficios para los Impuestos de Maine
July 2019
This information applies to you only if you live in HUD-subsidized public housing. Examples in Maine are: Cape Hart in Bangor, Kennedy Park in Portland, and Hillview in Lewiston.
July 2019
Información detallada sobre los derechos de inquilinos, malas condiciones de vivienda y como proteger sus derechos.
July 2019
A new Maine law addresses workers’ social media privacy. The purpose of the new law is to protect both job applicants and employees in Maine. "Social media" includes everything from personal email…
July 2019
How to claim unpaid wages from your Maine employer.
July 2019
If you live in an apartment building, you may find out that you are paying for heat, lights, or other utilities for "common areas." This includes, for example, hallways, basements, or a common hot…
June 2019
It is not easy to balance a household budget when you have a low income. But you can supplement your income by claiming all of the benefits and supports you have the right to claim. Here is a…
December 2018
What does "Fair Housing" mean?
In Maine we have both state and federal “fair housing” laws. They say that a landlord cannot refuse to rent to you, and a seller cannot treat you differently, because…
December 2018
What does the electronic benefits system mean for me?
Starting on May 1, 2013 all Social Security and VA benefits recipients will get their benefits electronically. Paper checks will no
December 2018
Families of certain military veterans can attend a state-supported Maine college or vocational school tuition-free. This does not apply, however, to all veterans' families.
December 2018
Maine law gives certain protections if you are in the National Guard or the U.S. Armed Forces Reserve. These rules apply when you are called to active duty for more than 30 days.
December 2018
Maine Law
Maine law protects you when you are in the National Guard or the Reserves of the United States Armed Forces and receive orders.
December 2018
Are you a veteran considering applying for a Maine Professional license? Your military training may help!
December 2018
There are two laws the protect service members who will have a hard time participating in a court or administrative proceeding because of their military duties. They are:
December 2018
Maine National Guard members may be eligible for full tuition at a state college or university. Learn about the requirements here.
December 2018
Many people with connections to the U.S. Military are unaware of current laws that are meant to help them cope with the sacrifices of military service.
Are you:
December 2018
Border crossing rights between the United States and Canada for Aboriginal People
December 2018
Note: This article is about guardian ad litems in the state of Maine.
December 2018
If you are starting a family law case (such as a divorce or setting parental rights and responsibilities), you must tell the other party that you are bringing a court action against them. You do this…
December 2018
DHHS can collect child support for you. They can also help set up child support orders.
December 2018
Your rights as a parent do not stop when you are in the military and called to active duty.
December 2018
Federal and State Law
Federal and state law allow money from military retirement pay to be withheld to meet most child support and spousal support (alimony) obligations.
December 2018
Updated information about how the Social Security Administration treats same-sex marriages.
December 2018
This guide covers many family law topics with information specific to LGBTQ people and families. We also link to other helpful resources.
December 2018
This is the second part of our guide to Child Protection proceedings in Maine.
December 2018
In Maine, some grandparents may ask a court to give them contact or visitation with their grandchildren. But, children’s parents usually have the right to decide how to raise their children…
December 2018
Can I find out if a person who committed a crime against me is being released from jail or prison?
Generally, yes. You can get a “notification of release” if you are the victim of a crime.
December 2018
If someone is harassing you and you cannot get that person to stop, there is a Maine law that may help you. It is called the "Protection from Harassment" law.
Protection from Abuse Actions in Maine: Special Considerations When the Defendant is in the Military
December 2018
Maine has a protection from abuse (PFA) law for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, sex trafficking, and stalking.
December 2018
If you (or your child) have been sexually assaulted at school, there are laws that can help protect you. One of the most important laws is called Title IX (Title Nine).
Title IX says that schools…
December 2018
Sexual assault affects many members of the LGBTQ+ community. Many Maine organizations work to serve the needs of LGBTQ+ survivors.
December 2018
What is consent?
Consent is when you give permission for something to happen. Consent is an important part of sex. A person’s consent to a sexual activity should be:
December 2018
Yes! Usually to get a Protection from Abuse (PFA) Order, the abuser and survivor need to be family or household members or dating partners.
Pine Tree Legal Assistance helps survivors of sexual…
December 2018
Discrimination in mortgage lending is prohibited by the federal Fair Housing Act (link is external) and the Maine Human Rights Act.
December 2018
Where can I get help?
If you are facing threat of foreclosure of your home, try to get a lawyer. Here are some possible legal resources:
You need Flash player 8+ and JavaScript enabled to view this…
December 2018
If you have fallen behind on your mortgage or you a
December 2018
هل صاحب العقار يجب ان يحافظ علي بيتي امن وبحاله لائقه ؟
نعم ,القانون في مين يعطي الى المستأجرين الضمان الضمني للسكن. هذا يعني ان صاحب العقار يجب ان يضمن ان بيتك امن و مناسب للاسكان فيه.
December 2018
Hiring a lawyer can be expensive and there are not enough free lawyers to help everyone who needs one. On the other hand, a lawyer can make a big difference in certain situations. Below we identify…
December 2018
The Maine Court gives you the chance to go through a mediation process before your home can be foreclosed upon. This is probably your last best chance to save your home - or to find out about your…
December 2018
Where can I use my card?
Stores post signs with the "Quest" card logo. In the lower left hand corner, these signs will display a simple "food supplements"
December 2018
If the Social Security Administration (SSA) finds that you have gotten too much money in your Social Security benefit, they will send you a Notice of Overpayment. Social Security overpayments can…
December 2018
Immigrants who are not official U.S.
December 2018
SSI benefits are the benefits from the Social Security Administration (SSA) that come on the 1st of the month. If SSA finds that you have gotten too much money in your SSI benefit, they will send you…
December 2018
Maine DHHS is offering this online tool My Maine Connection as another way to apply for benefits. You may still apply in person, if
December 2018
Some low income people are eligible for Mainecare. Most other people with low incomes can get help paying for health insurance. The IRS gives instant tax credits to help with the cost.
December 2018
What is this information and how will it help me?
This information is for parents who are being pursued by Maine DHHS for payment of child support, especially when there is no order of ch
December 2018
Payday loans can look like a good deal. But they aren’t. Here is what payday loans looks like, why you should avoid them, and some possible alternatives.
December 2018
Yes. But there may be something you can do about it. Maine law has some protections for homeowners in this situation.
December 2018
This is a tax credit for people who modify their home to make it more accessible for a household member with a disability.
December 2018
Lots of money flows at tax time. And everyone wants a piece of it. Be smart and keep all of your refund. Here are our simple tips for holding onto your hard-earned money.
December 2018
Tax Topics for 2022
We have selected a few of the most relevant topics from the IRS Tax Tips free email service.
December 2018
What is identity theft?
Identity theft can happen to anyone. If this has happened to you, you are not alone.
December 2018
Emergency Assistance (EA) is a program run by the Maine Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). EA helps children and their families with some emergencies. The program does not cover all…
December 2018
Tax credits for people with low incomes who own their own homes or pay rent.
December 2018
If I live in an apartment building, can my landlord stop me from getting cable TV, a satellite dish or an antenna?
Generally, no.
December 2018
This year, you won’t have to worry about losing your benefits if you get a big tax refund. Starting in 2011, any tax refunds you get will not affect most public benefits, or how much you get!
December 2018
If you're more than $500 in debt on your electric bill, this program may be able to help you. You pay just your current monthly electric bill, each month and on time. For each month that you pay…
November 2018
...ما بإمكانك عمله عند إنعدام قدرة او رغبة دائرة الصحة والخدمات البشرية في ولاية مين
November 2018
بموجب قانون ولاية مين، الوالدان البيولوجيان أو المتبنّيان للولد هما الوصيان الطبيعيان على هذا الولد
November 2018
Milkiilayaal badan ama bixiyaasha guriyaha ayaan aqoonin mas’uuliyadaha ka saaran qooysaska carrurta leh ama aan xitaa ogeyn in qooysaska carrurta leh ka mid yihiin kooxaha sharciga daafaca sida…
November 2018
What is worker classification?
Why does it matter how I'm classified?
How can I tell which way I've been c
November 2018
When you are giving evidence in court, explain exactly what happened in the clearest way you can. You should only talk about what you know. This means what you saw, what you felt, what you heard, and…
November 2018
Información sobre como calificar para y solicitar atención gratuita en los hospitales.
November 2018
Ver el archivo adjunto para ver esta obra ilustrada sobre cómo presentar una queja si usted es un trabajador inmigrante que ha sido tratado injustamente.
November 2018
In-state tuition rates for all servicemembers and veterans.
November 2018
Vous pouvez déposer une pétition a trois personnes (également appelé pétition a trois parties ) en cour de district. En vertu de la loi du Maine sur la protection de l'enfance, trois personnes ou…
November 2018
Si alguien le acosa y Usted no tiene los medios de evitar que esa persona deje de acosarlo, hay una ley en el Estado de Maine que puede ayudarlo. Aquí se encuentra información sobre la ley y sus…
November 2018
Si hay una brecha entre el dinero que usted tiene y lo que usted verdaderamente necesita, usted podría estar interesado en saber más sobre la Asistencia General. Aquí se encuentra información sobre…
November 2018
The Low Income Taxpayer Clinic (LITC) is a project of Pine Tree Legal Assistance. The Clinic helps clients deal with questions and problems with the Internal Revenue Service. Our services are free.
November 2018
November 2018
November 2018
November 2018
Usted puede presentar una petición de tres personas (también llamado una Petición a tres) en la Corte de Distrito. Bajo las leyes de Maine de protección infantil, tres o más personas pueden presentar…
November 2018
Con muy pocas excepciones, todo trabajador en el Estado de Maine que experimenta o agrava una lesión, enfermedad, o una condición médica como resultado de las actividades de su empleo puede recibir…