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PTLA Forms Index

This is a listing of some of the most used Maine court forms, form letters, and other tools on PTLA.org. Most of these forms are linked directly from the Maine Judicial Branch website, where they are available in fillable PDF format. Some forms and form letters have 'Easy Form' versions. These 'Easy Forms' will guide you through the form by asking a series of questions, and filling in the form for you.

We do our best to make sure each form is the most up-to-date version in use by the courts, but if you find that a link to a form is broken, it is best to check with the court's website to make sure you are getting the most up-to-date version. If you find that one of our forms is out of date or the link to the court website is broken, please let us know through our feedback form.

Criminal Cases
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CR-JV-032 Motion for Assignment of Counsel, Affidavit and Release Defendants in more serious criminal matters (where jail term could result) can use this form to apply for a free court-appointed lawyer. 1/2018
Electronic Service
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CR-CV-FM-255 Notice Regarding Electronic Service A notice about the new Maine electronic service requirements 12/2020
Family Law
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Divorce with Children: Maine Court Forms Packet Complete packet of the fillable forms you will need to file for divorce with children. It does not include the Family Matter Summons and Preliminary Injunction (FM-038) which you must buy from the court for $5.   1/2023
Divorce with No Children: Maine Court Forms Packet Complete packet of the fillable forms you will need to file for divorce in Maine if you do not share minor children.   It does not include the Family Matter Summons and Preliminary Injunction (FM-038) which you must buy from a court clerk's office… more 7/2022
If You are the Defendant in a Family Law Case: Maine Court Forms If you have been served with a Divorce or Parental Rights complaint, and you wish to be heard by the court, you must fill out, file, and serve certain court forms. 1/2023
Complaint for Parentage, Parental Rights & Responsibilities, and Child Support: Maine Court Forms Packet Complete packet of the fillable forms you will need to file a Complaint for Parentage, Parental Rights & Responsibilities, and Child Support. It does not include the Family Matter Summons and Preliminary Injunction (FM-038) which you must buy… more 1/2023
FM-057 Affidavit for Confidential Address Use this form if you don't want the abuser to know your address. 8/2020
FM-002 Family and Probate Matter Summary Sheet 7/2020
CR-CV-FM-PC-200 Social Security Number Confidential Disclosure Form A form used to disclose Social Security Numbers for certain court cases, including family law cases, but keeping those SSNs confidential 7/2015
FM-004 Complaint for Divorce (with children) The Maine court form for filing for divorce if you have children. 7/2022
FM-080 Divorce with Children: What to do with these Court Forms This is not a form to fill out, it is an instruction sheet about how to fill out the Maine court forms for a divorce case with children 12/2020
CV-FM-036 Acknowledgment of Receipt of Summons and Complaint or Post-Judgment Motion Maine court form for acknowledging that you have received a Summons and Complaint or Post-Judgment Motion 2/2021
FM-050 Child Support Affidavit Maine court form FM-050 Child Support Affidavit 1/2023
FM-087 - Important Information Regarding Case Management Conference This is not a court form, but an information sheet about the Case Management Conference in Maine family law cases 7/2022
FM-040-S Child Support Worksheet The standard Maine child support worksheet, FM-040-S 2/2020
FM-081 Divorce Without Children: What to do with these Court Forms This is not a court form, it is important instructions for filling out the Maine court forms for a divorce case without children 12/2020
FM-052 Federal Affidavit Maine court form for use in family law cases 8/2020
FM-043 Financial Statement Maine form FM-043 Financial Statement 1/2021
FM-042 Certificate in Lieu of Financial Statement Maine court form for divorcing people with minimal assets and debts 8/2020
FM-056 Certificate Regarding Real Estate 8/2020
FM-020 Entry of Appearance A Maine court form for an Entry of Appearance  for a self-represented defendant in a divorce and/or parental rights and responsibilities case. 2/2020
FM-186 Answer and Counterclaim for Divorce The Maine court form for an Answer and Counterclaim for a divorce case. 7/2022
FM-187 Answer & Counterclaim for Determination of Parentage, Parental Rights & Responsibilities, and Child Support The Maine court form for an Answer and Counterclaim in a Parental Rights and Responsibilities court case 7/2022
FM-006 Complaint for Determination of Parentage, Parental Rights & Responsibilities, Child Support The Maine court form for a case to determine the parentage of a child, to establish parental rights and responsibilities and/or child support 7/2022
Sample Motion to Waive Adoption Home Study This is a fillable template of a motion to waive a home study for a second-parent adoption.
PB-003 Jurisdictional Affidavit for Adoption, Minor Guardianship, and Minor Name Change A fill-able .pdf of Maine court form PB-03, the Jurisdictional Affidavit that must be filed in District court with any adoption, minor guardianship, or minor name change case. 10/2023
FM-008 Petition for Expedited Enforcement of Child Custody Determination (UCCJEA) The Maine court form to use for requesting a faster child custody determination 8/2020
FM-038 Family Matter Summons and Preliminary Injunction (Example) This Maine court form is not interactive. The court rules require that you use an original paper summons, bought from the court clerk's office for $5. We post this form for informational purposes only.
FM-040-A Supplemental Child Support Worksheet The Maine court form for use when parents provide "substantially equal care" for children. You will also need to use FM-040-S and the Child Support Guidelines. 2/2020
FM-054 Certificate in Lieu of Case Management Conference 2/2020
FM-055 Verification of Diligent Job Search 8/2020
FM-064 Petition for Emancipation The Maine court form for the emancipation of a minor 2/2020
FM-065 Request for Appointment of Counsel for Emancipation Petition The Maine court form for requesting a lawyer be appointed for a minor in an emancipation case 2/2020
FM-071 Objection to Final Order of Magistrate The Maine court form for objecting to a final order from a magistrate in a family law case 2/2020
CV-072 Motion for Service by Alternative Means and Affidavit The Maine court form for making a motion to serve someone court papers through other means than usual. The Maine Court also posts these Instructions for Service by Alternative Means - CV-FM 201 8/2020
CV-FM-201 Instructions for Service by Alternative Means This is not a court form, but it is an instruction sheet for how to accomplish service by alternative means. 4/2024
FM-082 Parental Rights & Responsibilities Case: What To Do With These Court Forms This is not a form - it is an instruction sheet for what to do with the Maine court forms for a parental rights and responsibilities case 12/2020
FM-084 Child Support Table This is not a form - it is the Maine child support table, which is used for calculating child support obligations. 1/2023
FM-093 Foreign Judgments: What to do with these court forms This is not a court form - it is an instruction sheet about what to do with court forms for getting a Maine court to register a divorce or parental rights and responsibilities order from another state 8/2024
FM-108 Important Notice About Mediation This is not a court form, it is a notice from the court about mediation in certain family law cases 2/2020
FM-PB-125 Order Appointing Guardian ad Litem Under Title 18-C or 19-A The Maine court form used for appointing a Guardian ad Litem 11/2021
FM-132 Child Support Order This is Maine court form for ordering the payment of child support 6/2022
OMB 0970-0154 Income Withholding for Support Maine courts are now using this form, in lieu of the old FM-133 Immediate Withholding Order, as required by the federal government. USDHHS has also issued these instructions for filling out the form.
FM-136 Conditional Withholding Order for Spousal Support 2/2020
FM-160 Waiver of Right to Object and Waiver of Appeal 2/2020
FM-171 Abstract of Divorce Decree 5/2022
FM-181 Verified Application for Issuance of Warrant (UCCJEA) The Maine court form for requesting a warrant to take physical custody of a child in certain circumstances 8/2020
FM-216 Joint Petition for Pre-Birth Determination Involving Gestational Carrier Agreement The Maine court form for mutually starting a court action to determine the parentage, and the parental rights and responsibilities before a child is born 8/2020
FM-218 Motion for Expedited Hearing The Maine court form for requesting an expedited hearing in a family law case 8/2020
CV-FM-PB-221 Amended Order Appointing Guardian Ad Litem The Maine court form for amending or changing the order appointing a Guardian Ad Litem 10/2021
Family Post-Judgment Motions
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Motion to Enforce: Maine Court Forms Packet Forms Packet to file a Motion to Enforce a family law court order in Maine 8/2024
Motion for Contempt: Maine Court Forms Forms Packet to file a Motion for Contempt of a family law court order in Maine     8/2024
Motion to Modify: Maine Court Forms Packet The set of forms needed to make a Motion to Modify a Maine Divorce or Parental Rights order. 8/2024
FM-088 Information Sheet - Motion to Modify This is not a form, but an informational sheet about what to do with the forms for a Motion to Modify a divorce or parental rights and responsibilities judgment 12/2020
FM-062 Motion to Modify The Maine court form to file a case to modify a divorce or parental rights and responsibilities judgment (including child support) 8/2020
FM-089 Information Sheet - Motion to Enforce This is not a form, but an informational sheet about what to do with the forms for a Motion to Enforce a divorce or parental rights and responsibilities judgment 12/2020
FM-070 Motion to Enforce The Maine court form to file a Motion to Enforce a divorce or parental rights and responsibilities judgment 8/2020
FM-090 Information Sheet - Motion for Contempt This is not a form, but an informational sheet about what to do with the forms for a Motion for Contempt of a divorce or parental rights and responsibilities judgment 12/2020
FM-068 Motion for Contempt The Maine court form for filing a Motion for Contempt of a divorce or parental rights and responsibilities order 2/2020
FM-137 Order Setting Hearing on Motion for Contempt The form used by the court to set a hearing on a Motion for Contempt. 2/2020
Fee Waiver Request
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Request for Waiver of Fees: Maine Court Forms If you don't have enough money to pay the court fees, you can ask the court to waive those fees. Before you use the forms posted here, we encourage you to read more about fee waivers and how to use these forms. You can use our new Maine Fee Waiver… more 6/2020
CV-067 Application to Proceed Without Payment of Fees The Maine form to apply to have your court fees waived 6/2020
CV-191 Financial Affidavit The supporting affidavit to submit to the court along with CV-067 to request a fee waiver 6/2020
Form/Sample Letters
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Sample Letter: Maine Notice to Landlord of Bedbug Infestation A sample letter you can send to your landlord to notify them of bed bugs in your building.  NOTE:  This notice was drafted for use by Maine tenants.  The laws may be different in other states.  
Maine Tenant's Request for Security Deposit Account Information Maine tenants can use this form letter to request information from their landlord about where their security deposit is being held. Maine law requires a landlord to hold tenants' security deposits in a separate bank account. The purpose is to put… more
Form Letter: Security Deposit Return Request You can use this sample form to request the return of your security deposit in Maine.  We strongly recommend that you learn about security deposits in Maine before using this form.
Maine Sample Acknowledgment of Receipt of Child Protection Petition This is a sample Acknowledgment of Receipt of a Child Protection Petition for a Maine Three Party Child Protection action. Go here to learn more about how Three-Party Child Protection Petitions work in Maine.
Maine Sample Affidavit of Friend This is a sample Affidavit of Friend for a Maine Three Party Child Protection action. Go here to learn more about how Three-Party Child Protection Petitions work in Maine.
Maine Sample Child Protection Petition This is a sample Maine Child Protection Petition for a Maine Three Party Child Protection action. Go here to learn more about how Three-Party Child Protection Petitions work in Maine
Maine Sample Motion to Waive Adoption Home Study This is a sample motion to waive a home study for a second-parent adoption. You may need to change this motion to fit your situation, but you can use it as an example to help you create your own motion.
Maine Tenant's Notice of Warranty of Habitability Violation Here is a sample form you can use if you need to inform a landlord in writing of an unsafe or unfit rental housing condition.  Be careful! You need to understand the Maine laws about unsafe rental housing and other options before using this form. … more
Tenant's Repair and Deduct Form Letter Caution! Repair and deduct can be a risky strategy - read our information about the Rights of Maine Renters in Unsafe or Unfit Housing before you try to use this form!
Form Letter: Debt Validation If a debt collector has just begun contacting you, within the first 30 days you have the right to request “validation” of the debt.  While the debt collector is responding to your request, they cannot try to collect from you.  If the creditor… more
Name Change
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CN-1 Petition for Change of Name (Adult) This is the Maine Probate Court form for an adult name change. 7/2019
NC-001 Petition for Change of Name (Child) The Maine Probate court form for a name change for a child. Formerly CN-2, it is now called NC-001. 9/2019
Affidavit of Name Change - Adult - AF-103 9/2019
Other Frequently Used Forms
Title Description Last Updated Form Link EasyForm
CR-CV-FM-JV-021 Entry of Appearance The Maine court form for a lawyer or self represented person to use to enter their appearance in a case 12/2020
CV-035/CV-030 Witness Subpoena - Sample This is the Maine court form used to subpoena a witness. The rules of the court require a signature from a court clerk or a lawyer for this form to be valid. Maine attorneys can submit a request to [email protected] to be sent blank… more 9/2022
CV-092 How To File A Civil Appeal This is not a form, it is an instruction sheet about how to file a civil court appeal (not in criminal, eviction, or small claims cases) 8/2019
CV-144 Order For Service By Alternative Means The Maine court form for an order for service by alternative means. This form is not to be used in family law matters.
CV-CR-162 Notice of Appeal The Maine court form for filing a notice for appeal from criminal or civil court decisions 12/2018
CV-CR-JV-165 Transcript Order The Maine court form for ordering a transcript of a court hearing or hearings. This must be filed with CV-CR-162 Notice of Appeal 7/2015
CR-CV-FM-JV-166 Motion for Transcript at State Expense This is the Maine court form for requesting the state pays the cost of a court hearing transcript ordered with CV-CR-165 10/2021
CR-CV-FM-199 Notice of Change of Address The Maine court form for notifying the court that your address has changed 10/2023
CV-FM-202 Affidavit that Service Was Completed by Alternative Means 8/2020
CV-206 Notice of Appeal and Affidavit - Forcible Entry and Detainer The Maine court form for appealing a decision in an eviction (forcible entry and detainer) case 4/2014
CV-172 Newspaper Cover Letter for Service by Publication The Maine court form for carrying out service by publication. 6/2014
CV-173 Verification of Service by Publication The Maine court form for verifying that service by publication has been completed 8/2020
Rental Housing Standard Radon Disclosure Form for Landlords Effective March 1, 2014, Maine landlords are required to test rental units for radon gas.  Read more about Radon in Maine rental housing. We have linked below the Maine DHHS standard radon disclosure form, with their "Radon Tips" information… more 12/2013
Probate Court Forms
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Probate Jurisdictional Affidavit - AF-101 The Maine court form for determining the jurisdiction for certain family law and name change cases 9/2019
GS-001 Petition to Appoint Guardian of Minor The Maine Probate court form to petition to have a guardian appointed for a minor 10/2023
GS-012 Minor's Consent, Objection, or Nomination of Guardianship Maine Probate court form for a minor to consent to, object to, or make a nomination of a person for a guardianship. 2/2020
DE-405 Inventory Maine Probate Court form used for listing the inventory of an estate. 5/2021
PP-505 Physician's/Psychologist's Guardian/Conservator Proceeding 7/2019
Probate Court Indigency Financial Affidavit - AF-105 Maine Probate Court form for requesting a fee waiver and providing financial information about why you should have fees or costs waived. 11/2020
Protection from Abuse
Title Description Last Updated Form Link EasyForm
PA-001 Complaint for Protection from Abuse The Maine form for getting a Protection from Abuse court order 4/2024
PA-005 Protection Order Service Information The Maine form for providing information to the court for serving a Protection from Abuse order 9/2021
PA-015 Affidavit for Confidential Address This is the Maine form for keeping your address confidential when filing for a Protection from Abuse order. Use this form if you don't want the abuser to know your address. 1/2023
PA-009 Order for Protection From Abuse (Example - not fillable) This is a form for the court to use - we post it here for informational purposes only. ​​​​​​​This is a Maine Order for Protection From Abuse. At the court's request, this is posted in blank form only (not interactive). It may not be the most recent… more 6/2016
PA-010 Defendant's Motion to Dissolve or Modify Temporary Order for Protection 1/2023
PA-012 Plaintiff's Pre-Judgment Motion to Dismiss Complaint 1/2023
PA-013 Motion to Extend Order for Protection 4/2024
PA-022 Plaintiff's Post-Judgment Motion to Modify or Terminate Protection Order 1/2023
Protection from Harrassment
Title Description Last Updated Form Link EasyForm
Protection from Harassment: Maine Court Forms Packet Maine court form packet for filing for Protection from Harassment on paper. There is another version of this packet for filing by email: Email Filing Maine Protection from Harassment Forms Packet 4/2024
PA-006 Complaint for Protection from Harassment The Maine court form for filing a Complaint for Protection from Harassment 4/2024
PA-005 Protection Order Service Information Maine court form PA-005 - Protection Order Service Information 9/2021
Public Benefits/SNAP & TANF
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Maine SNAP Benefits Estimator Tool An easy tool to figure out if a household may be eligible for SNAP (food supplements) benefits in Maine, and if so, estimate the benefits they may be eligible for. Use the Maine SNAP Benefits Estimator Tool today! SNAP eligibility is calculated… more 8/2024
Maine TANF Benefits Estimator Tool An easy tool to figure out if a household may be eligible for TANF benefits in Maine, and if so, estimate the benefits they may be eligible for. Use the Maine TANF Benefits Estimator Tool today! 8/2024
Maine TANF Good Cause Verification Form A form for people getting TANF Benefits to use if they can't meet TANF requirements because of domestic violence or sexual assault, and would have a difficult time safely getting the documents DHHS usually uses to verify this.  6/2024
Recovery of Personal Property
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CV-182, How to file a Personal Property Recovery Action This is not a form, it is an instruction sheet for filing a court case to recover personal property using CV-183 Complaint for Recovery of Personal Property.
CV-183 Complaint for Recovery of Personal Property This is the Maine court form for filing a case to recover personal property. There is an instruction sheet for this kind of case: CV-182, How to file a Personal Property Recovery Action 6/2014
CV-187 Notice of Appeal for Recovery of Personal Property The Maine court form for giving notice of an appeal from a judgment in a personal property recovery case 6/2014
CV-188 Request of Issuance for Writ of Possession The Maine court form for requesting a writ of possession for personal property 6/2014
Small Claims
Title Description Last Updated Form Link EasyForm
Small Claims Action: Maine Court Forms Important Notice: We encourage you to learn more about Small Claims Court in Maine before using these forms. The Judicial Department offers A Guide to Small Claims Proceedings in the Maine District Court. Here is a list of the forms that are most… more 10/2021
SC-001 Statement of Claim Court form SC-001 - Small Claims court Statement of Claim 10/2021
SC-005 Notice of Service The Maine small claims court form for Notice of Service 2/2020
SC-006 Affidavit and Request for Service Maine small claims form SC-006, the Affidavit and Request for Service 7/2020
SC-003 Request for Disclosure Hearing Maine small claims form for requesting a disclosure hearing 2/2020
SC-009 Important Facts if you are sued in Small Claims Court This is not a form. It is an informational sheet for people who have been sued in Maine small claims court 2/2020
SC-010 Instructions About Service for Small Claims This is not a form. It is an instruction sheet about serving papers in a Maine small claims case 2/2020
SC-007 Notice of Appeal The Maine small claims court form for a plaintiff to appeal a small claims case to the Superior Court. 2/2020