An easy tool to figure out if a household may be eligible for TANF benefits in Maine, and if so, estimate the benefits they may be eligible for. Use the Maine TANF Benefits Estimator Tool today!
We have tried to make this tool easy to understand - but eligibility for TANF can be complicated. We cannot guarantee the result from this calculator will be the amount of TANF benefits you get, if you are eligible. But it can help you understand how those calculations work, and get an idea of what TANF benefits you may be eligible for.
Do you have more questions or need general information about TANF in Maine? Learn more about TANF in our article: Guide to TANF in Maine.
TANF eligibility involves a calculation of your:
- Household size
- Income
- Certain expenses like shelter
This tool asks questions about these factors to estimate your monthly TANF benefits. It should take less than 5 minutes to complete and does not require any personal information like your name or address.
This tool was built on Docassemble - an open-source document platform.