Welcome Service Members and Veterans
Pine Tree Legal is committed to making sure that Mainers who have military experience are aware of the laws that protect them and the resources available to help.
Pine Tree Legal provides information for everyone through our website and provides civil legal representation to veterans under two projects, one addressing homelessness and the other addressing health. Pine Tree Legal also partners with the Maine State Bar Association on the Veterans Legal Services Initiative (VLSI), modeled after the national initiative launched by the American Bar Association. VLSI currently supports Military Mondays, a monthly pro bono legal clinic for veterans, and Wills for Heroes.
Are you looking for information in a specific legal area?
Pine Tree Legal maintains a library of resources for the community. These resources are written in a straightforward way. They cover thousands of state laws and protections.
- Browse our resources about the state laws that specifically help service members, veterans and their families.
Are you experiencing homelessness? Are you facing an eviction?
Pine Tree Legal partners with Preble Street Veteran Housing Services to work with veterans facing homelessness. If you or a loved one served on active duty and are now at risk of homelessness, don't wait to reach out.
Preble Street Veteran Housing Services
The intake line is open Monday through Friday 8:30-4:30pm.
Don't hesitate to call. 1-800-377-5709.
Medical-Legal Partnership Clinic Hours at VA Maine Healthcare System, Togus VAMC Campus
March, 2020 Notice: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we have cancelled our clinic hours until further notice. You can still reach PTLA for general legal help by calling during our regular phone hours.
In November 2015, Pine Tree Legal launched a new Medical-Legal Partnership (MLP) with VA Maine Healthcare System. This Medical-Legal Partnership focuses on legal issues that negatively impact the health of veterans. Veterans in need of legal assistance can ask their medical or social service provider at the VA for a referral to Pine Tree's Veterans Medical-Legal Partnership legal team. For more information, please call (207) 400-3229 or email [email protected].
Pine Tree MLP legal staff hold clinic hours for appointments and walk-ins at the Togus VAMC Campus. Rural veterans and veterans unable to travel to Togus can meet with Pine Tree MLP legal staff by VA Telehealth.
Pine Tree MLP clinic hours are:
Veterans Medical-Legal Partnership Clinic Hours
Mondays and Thursdays
Building 206, Room 202
Veterans Legal Services Initiative
In 2017, Pine Tree and the Maine State Bar Association (MSBA) formed the Veterans Legal Services Initiative. The VLSI is modeled after the national initiative launched by the American Bar Association (ABA) in 2016. The VLSI currently supports two pro bono projects: Military Mondays and Wills for Heroes. VLSI also supports pro bono legal services for veterans with health-harming legal needs participating in the Veterans Medical-Legal Partnership.
Wills for Heroes - Free Basic Estate Planning for Low Income Veterans
Pine Tree Legal Assistance and the Maine State Bar Association have partnered to provide free legal estate planning services to veterans and their spouses.
Veterans and their spouses who meet Pine Tree’s household income and eligibility guidelines will be matched with a volunteer attorney to prepare a will and other documents.
Please call the Pine Tree Legal Assistance pro bono program at (207) 400-3265 to complete an intake interview!
We are honored to provide this service to the veterans in our community. If you are an attorney interested in volunteering with PTLA in our Wills for Heroes or other Pro Bono programs, you can visit the Pro Bono section of our website to learn more and get in touch!
Military Mondays
March, 2020 Notice: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we have cancelled all Military Mondays until further notice. You can still reach PTLA for general legal help by calling during our regular phone hours.
In October 2016, Pine Tree partnered with the MSBA and the Starbucks Armed Forces Network to create Military Mondays, a monthly legal clinic at Cooks Corner Starbucks in Brunswick, Maine staffed by Pine Tree staff and pro bono attorneys where veterans can get free consultations on their legal questions.
Military Mondays are held the last Monday of every month from 1-4pm. Legal topics change monthly. For more information or to request an appointment, please call (207) 400-3229 or email [email protected]. Please check back regularly as we update our calendar throughout the year.
Maine Veteran Resources
The Maine Bureau of Veteran Services is a state agency committed to helping veterans, service members and their families access the benefits they deserve. Local Service Officers across the state help veterans apply for VA disability benefits, health benefits and burial benefits. Find the BVS office nearest you.
StatesideLegal.org is a national clearinghouse website that contains legal information and help for veterans, service members and their families.
VA Hotline telephone numbers
Last updated September 14, 2020